ChooseWhy Choose This Program?

Why Study Premedical/Prehealth at Goucher?

健康前咨询办公室可以帮助你为任何专业人士或毕业生做好准备 program that will lead you to a career in health care. Prehealth studies or premed 这些项目可能会导致医学、牙科、兽医学、药学、 护理、物理治疗、职业治疗、运动训练、公共卫生、 genetic counseling, as a physician assistant, or many others.

LearnWhat Will You Learn?

What Will You Learn?

 除了你的学术专业之外,还有一个医学预科/健康预科课程 can be in any discipline. You will work with the Prehealth Advising Office to determine 适当的课程,满足你的专业/研究生院的先决条件 or premed requirements.


DoWhat Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

随着你的学术准备,作为一个医学预科/健康预科学生,你将参与 参加课外活动,这将有助于你培养必要的技能 你未来的职业生涯,让你接触到社会经济和卫生保健的挑战 faced by diverse populations. You are choosing a career in service to others, so with 在健康前咨询办公室的帮助下,你将开始探索你能做些什么 back to your community. A variety of volunteer and shadowing experiences will also 加强你对专业或研究生课程的申请. 

Premed/Prehealth Course Curriculum

Faculty & Staff

Program Director

Ellen Snydman, Post-Baccalaureate pre - medical Program主任

Advising Staff

Aimee Marson,助理主任,学士学位后医学预科课程

Full-Time & Half-Time Faculty

Ruquia Ahmed-Schofield, Associate Professor of Chemistry: organic chemistry

Sasha Dukan, Professor of Physics: theoretical condensed matter physics

Jay Garaycochea, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

George Greco化学教授:有机、无机和药物化学

Mark Hiller生物学副教授:遗传学与分子生物学

Jenny Lenkowski生物学副教授:发育生物学和神经生物学

Judith R. Levine生物与化学教授:生物化学与分子生物学

Kevin Schultz, Associate Professor of Chemistry: organic chemistry

Rodney Yoder, Associate Professor of Physics

Gizelle Simpson, Instructional Staff

Study Abroad

By studying abroad,选择由云顶集团或学期领导的为期三周的强化课程 课程适合他们的学术计划,云顶集团学生在pre - medical/Prehealth 研究项目获得全球视野,提高他们的学习过程. Visit the Office of Global Education website for more information.


Clinical Experience 

我们在巴尔的摩郊外的位置让我们离一些最 outstanding hospitals and clinics in the nation. Goucher students regularly have clinical 以及在约翰霍普金斯大学、马里兰大学、 肯尼迪克里格研究所,西奈医院,以及帮助服务不足的诊所 和没有保险的人口,包括圣巴巴拉新维达的埃斯佩朗萨保健诊所. 克莱尔医疗拓展,牧羊人诊所,和偏远地区医疗. Students can gain 通过巴尔的摩市卫生局的 numerous community-based programs.



实习帮助学生探索可能性,云顶集团课堂学习,并有所收获 experience. Explore internships and credit options.

Student Employment

Student employment connects students to both on and off-campus opportunities. The Career Education Office 为有或没有联邦工作学习的学生提供资源和支持 工作,提交申请,并了解更多关于求职过程. Students have access to Handshake -一个招聘、活动、简历/求职信和职业管理的网站.

Major & Career Exploration

探索职业选择,选择专业,做出职业决定是一个多步骤的过程 鼓励所有学生尽早和经常参与的过程. Goucher students have a variety of resources available through the Majors and Career page to assist them in this process.

Job Search

云顶集团教育为学生准备今天的就业市场和未来. Students 能透过网站寻找工作机会及查阅求职资源吗 CEO Job Search page.

Graduate & Professional School

学生可以云顶集团资源来搜索和申请研究生和专业 school through the CEO Graduate and Professional School page,通过教职员工,或利用自己的资源,网络和 tools.

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School 4+1 BA/MS Program

云顶集团和约翰霍普金斯大学凯里商学院也招收云顶集团的学生 a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program. This 4+1 program 他拥有云顶集团大学的学士学位和约翰大学的理学硕士学位 霍普金斯大学的商业分析和风险管理,信息系统,医疗保健 management, finance, or marketing. Students can apply during their junior year. GRE 或GMAT考试已被豁免,但申请人必须达到最低累积GPA 3.25分或以上,通过部分定量推理课程,成绩为 B or better.